Trip report: book club lands in jail



what: Sunday brunchwhere: Public House, Woodstock, IL (where Groundhog Day was filmed)why: book club guest appearanceMany thanks to the members of a local book club, who invited me to brunch this morning, where we talked about Josie Tucker, boobs, non-alcoholic beer, and piano tuning.While the ladies tucked into an impressive array of brunch foods, I myself chose some lighter fare.We wound up in jail, but they had some great questions about writing and books.

"Amazon calls Josie Tucker books 'culinary mysteries,' but where are the recipes?"

Amazon puts Josie Tucker in the cozy, culinary category based on the simple fact that she's a food critic. Traditionally, culinary cozies have cute, comedic covers. There's no explicit sex or violence. The stories are often set in bake shops or coffee houses and feature main characters who are entrepreneurial, feisty women. Usually, the author includes recipes between chapters or at the end of the book.I call my mysteries "un-culinary" not just because there aren't any recipes, but also because Josie Tucker can't eat. She's grouchy, almost anti-social, and her stomach is always on the fritz.Do you want recipes? You tell me. Because I have 'em. Post a comment below if you vote yes.

"The spa in The Bride Wore it a real place?"

Yes, it's based loosely on a spa in Arizona. Although I've never been a guest at the resort, I grew up in Tucson. One of my high school classmates worked there, so I heard some behind-the-scenes stories. However, me saying I can remember stories someone told me in high school means most of it is made up.

"Can I read your mysteries in any order?"

Yes, you can.I mean, I set them up that way. The real question is, what's your OCD level? Are you a person who makes the bed every day? Are your spices alphabetized? Would you avoid watching a show if you couldn't find the first episode? I'm a start-from-the-beginning kind of person myself.

"This isn't a question, but since I met you, I pictured Josie as you the whole time."

I'm sorry. I swear she's not me.

Both Josie Tucker mysteries

on are sale this weekend

. Grab them because the next one is coming soon....Oh, do you want to know about our jail time?

