IndieBRAG Christmas Blog Hop

ALL-ABOARD-with-medallion Emily's Holiday Q&ASNOWTREE 8I'm pleased to be part of the IndieBRAG Christmas Blog Hop. And very happy that The Bride Wore Dead is a BRAG Medallion Honoree. To meet some of the other honorees, click here

  1. What is a tradition you and your family have?

We moved to Illinois to be near family, so when the holidays roll around, we all get together for a big family party. Opening gifts is a round-robin event—one person at a time. It takes forever, but it’s an enjoyable eternity. 

  1. What was your favorite stocking gift?OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

I was always a big fan of chocolates in the stocking. That’s an automatic win in my book. But I also loved notepads and pens, even when I was a kid. 

  1. Is there a humorous gift that you received? What was it?

My husband once presented me with a big box of nothing. Actually, it wasn’t completely empty—it had a note inside that I almost missed, which said, “Look in the dryer.” There was a Kindle in the clothes dryer. 

  1. What is your favorite Christmas story?

"The Gift of the Magi” by O.Henry will probably always be my favorite. 

  1. Have you ever taken a Christmas Vacation somewhere? If so, were to and please share your experiences and what you enjoyed about it?

Not yet, but we will this year. Shhhh. It’s a surprise for the kids. DSC_0378

  1. What are some of your favorite books you have received?

I used to be a big collector of books. I had all of the Agatha Christies and all of the Andrew Lang fairy tale, colored books. Many moves later, I’ve really whittled down my library. Now I’m just happy to get a Kindle gift card. 

  1. Egg Nog or Cocoa?

I can handle egg nog about once every 10 years. Honestly, I’m more of a mulled cider fan. 

  1. What is your favorite part of the day?

The crack of dawn before any presents are open. The anticipation is at its highest level. That’s the best. 

  1. Do you go all out on decorations? What is your favorite?0whtst2

I come from a mixed-religion family, so my kids refer to the tree as a “Chranukka tree.” If it stays up too long, it becomes a “Chronic-a-tree.” Since moving north where it seems colder and darker, my fixation with outdoor holiday lights has increased tenfold. I love lights the best. 

  1. What is your favorite Christmas movie and why?

I have so many favorites. One of them is Love Actually, because it has that Mariah Carey song, “All I Want For Christmas Is You,” which I love and which I am compelled to sing along with (horribly) whenever and wherever I hear it. Sorry, fellow shoppers. I also love Elf, Home Alone, A Christmas Story, and Die Hard. You’re laughing now, aren’t you? 

Dim Sum, Dead Some happens to be on sale right this very minute! (Dec 11-14). 99c or 99p on Kindle. Grab it for a cheap thrill.DSDScoverBooks make the perfect gifts, trust me. If you disagree, tell me in the comments. Or give me your answers to these 10 questions instead. :)  The next stop on the indieBRAG Christmas Blog Hop is with Lorraine Devon Wilke.XmasBlogHop2